Administrators can disable system restore functionality on all the computers joined to a domain by configuring domain group policy. This can be done as follows. The below steps apply to a Server 2003 domain. Irrespective of whether the client is a Windows XP or Vista or Windows 7 you can follow the below steps for [...]
In Windows Vista, My computer is renamed as just Computer. With default configuration it should be shown in the start menu as below. In case if you are not seeing this link, you can enable it by doing the following steps. Right click on Start button. Select Properties Make sure that Start menu tab is [...]
Today when I launched Internet explorer and opened a site, IE had repeatedly warned me with below message. I was opening a news portal and I knew there would be nothing fishy on that portal so I clicked on ‘Allow‘. But IE bugged me with the same warning again and again even after selecting ‘Do [...]
On a Windows Vista or Windows 7 machine you can empty the recently opened documents list by doing the following. Click on Start button Right click on “Recent items“ Select ‘Clear Recent Items List‘ If you don’t see “Recent items” in start menu then it mean that tracking of recently opened files is not enabled. [...]

Some users complain that Client Side Cache(CSC or Offline Files) is slowing down logon and logoff as it tries to synchronize all the locally cached files with the server ones. The default synchronization does quick sync which means that only the files that have been changed locally will be synced to the server. But if [...]
If you do not see Offline files option in Network and Internet in Control Panel, then it could be that you are running an edition of OS which does not support Offline Files feature. Offline files feature is provided only in Vista Business and Vista Ultimate editions. It is not supported by Vista Home and [...]

In Windows Vista offline files feature can be enabled in the following way. Click on Start button (Shortcut for this: Ctrl-Esc (or) windows key) Click on Control Panel Click on Network and Internet Click on Offline Files. In the General tab, click on ‘Enable Offline Files‘. Say continue if user account control asks confirmation. Now you can see the offline files window in the below state. [...]
Offline files cache is stored in windowscsc folder on system drive. If the system drive is labeled c: then offline files cache would be stored in c:windowscsc. As in windows XP, this location can be changed by editing registry database. Registry key for this is HKLMSystemCurrentControlSetServicesCSCParameters Regkey : CacheLocation Type: REG_SZ By default cache is [...]
On Windows Vista system Offline files feature can be disabled as follows. Click on Start button (Shortcut for this: Ctrl-Esc (or) windows key) Click on Control Panel Click on Network and Internet Click on Offline Files. In the ‘General‘ tab click on ‘Disable Offline Files‘ Click on ‘continue’ if user account control asks for confirmation.
If you are using offline files/CSC, the cache would take significant amount of space on your local disk. You may want to clear up some disk space by deleting this cache. Learn how to use FormatDatabase registry key to delete offline files cache. Create a registry value FormatDatabase of type REG_DWORD(32 bit) under the node HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Csc\Parameters [...]
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