What is exclusion list? Does not Offline files support all the file types? Some of the file types are excluded by default. They are .db, .ldb, .mdb, .mde, .mdw, .pst, .slm; Microsoft says that these file types are excluded to prevent file conflicts and data loss. See here //support.microsoft.com/kb/252509 So what happens when I mark [...]
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On Windows XP we can view the offline pinned files as follows. Open Offline files tab in Folder options windows(For detailed steps see the first part of the post How to enable offline files in Windows XP) Now in the Offline Files tab you can see a button View Files. See the snapshot below. Click [...]
Cachemov.exe can be downloaded from //www.computerperformance.co.uk/ScriptsGuy/cachemov.zip Cachemov.exe can be used to move offline files cache to a new folder. Note that this tool can be used only on Windows XP and Windows Server 2003 operating systems. It does not work for Windows Vista and upper level platforms.
What is Offline Files ? Offline files is a feature in Windows operating systems to use network files even though we are not connected to the network. This is a very useful feature for laptop users who want to access network shares even when they are not connected to the network. For this you just [...]
CSCCMD is a client side cache utility which can be used for various Client Side Cache(CSC) management operations. Some of the operations we can perform using this tool are enabling/disabling offline files, pinning files for offline availability, listing the files/folders that are already cached, forcing a share to go offline etc. But all these operations [...]
In default configuration My documents folder would be stored in the system drive of the local disk. In Windows XP this is at C:Documents and SettingsloginidMy documents. In Windows Vista and Windows 7 this is stored at C:UsersloginidDocuments. If c: drive becomes full, we can move the contents of My Documents folder to another drive. [...]
We can redirect My documents location to some other folder by editing the registry key Personal under the following node in registry database. HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionExplorerUser Shell Folders The default value of the above registry key would be %userprofile%My Documents. In Windows XP, it is by default located in C:Documents and SettingsLoginudMy Documents. In Windows Vista and [...]
On Windows machines you can lock the user login sessions while you are away from the computer. This allows users to protect their accounts on the systems which is physically accessible to others. For example on a Windows XP professional machine, you can press Ctrl-Alt-Del and then select the option Lock Desktop. Your session will [...]
As mentioned in previous posts, when we mark a network share for offline availability, Offline Files copies the whole share to the local CSC folder. From that moment onwards Offline Files has to take care of the synchronization of the local copies with the network share, so that whenever we disconnect the machine from the [...]
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