Rsop.msc console shows what are the local/domain group policies enforced for a computer or user. Once I faced a issue when I opened this console. It generated the below error.
The message reads as follows.
“Failed to connect to winxp-pc due to the error listed below. Ensure that the Windows Management Instrumentation(WMI) service is enabled on the target computer and consult the event log of the target computer for further details.”
Running gpresult command also generated ‘Initialization failure‘ error.
But the WMI service was running on the computer. After searching in the web for a solution, I found that the below steps solve the problem. Disclaimer: If you are facing this issue, try the below at your own risk.
- Downloaded dfmdiag.exe from the link : //
- Extracted wmidiag.vbs from the exe file
- Executed ‘cscript wmidiag.vbs’. This generated a report which mentioned to run ‘wmidiag checkconsistency’
- I ran the command ‘cscript wmidiag checkconsistency‘
- After this I was able to open rsop.msc but as my computer was not connected to the network it did not show any useful information. It looked like wmidiag deleted the existing group policies data on the computer.
- After connecting the computer to DC, both rsop.msc and gpresult worked fine.
This suggestion worked perfectly for me. Not only did fixing the WMI filter allow me to run rsop and gpresult again. Upon running those applications I noticed the proer GPos were not applying. I ran gpupdate /force again after fixing the WMI filters and now the proper GPos were applying as they should. So this suggestion not only fixed my ability to use trouble shooting applications(rsop & gpresult), but it also seemingly fixed the original issue as well.
Well done sir!
sc config winmgmt start= disabled
net stop winmgmt /y
Winmgmt /salvagerepository %windir%System32wbem
Winmgmt /resetrepository %windir%System32wbem
sc config winmgmt start= auto