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Swap mouse left right buttons functionality

On Windows computer we can swap the functionality of left and right mouse buttons for the benefit of left hand users.This can be done by changing the settings in Mouse properties window. Mouse Properties window can be opened directly through Run window by running main.cpl. It opens Mouse properties window and now select the check button Switch primary and secondary buttons and then click OK. Thus functionality of both the buttons gets reversed.

Mouse properties window :

Mouse properties window can also be opened by following steps:

Click on start button and select control panel. Make sure that control panel is in icon view mode(In XP, this is classic view), and it shows all control panel items. Now select Mouse and open it. Then it opens the window Mouse properties and now select the check button as said above.

It works in all versions of windows operating systems – Windows XP, Vista, and Windows7.

Some laptops have two pairs of mouse buttons. In such case, the swapping may work for only one pair of mouse buttons.

Registry changes for swapping mouse buttons.

If you want to swap mouse buttons through registry you can do so by setting the value of the registry key SwapMouseButtons to 1. This registry key resides under the following node.


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